Essential Camping Tips

Essential Camping Tips

An outdoor camping experience with your friends is one thrilling escape from the hassle of our fast-paced city lives.

Witnessing the bliss of mother nature by camping on a mountain top facing a scenery, under a starry galaxy to have a calming, wholesome outdoorsy experience. 

As a beginner, it is emotionally stirring to be in a hazardous as well as exciting experience in the jungle.

Before you are on the roads with your plan, you need to give a read to some camping tips to help you avoid the adversities.

Know how to pitch your tent:

Pitching your tent with your crew is all fun and games until violent wind gusts make it a mess for you. Reach out experienced outdoors people to coach you in setting up the grounding for your tent, else it might fly away with the wind. YouTube tutorials and instruction cards can also play the role of substitute.

Check out for the Weather extremes:

Mother nature loves surprising the campers with unexpected thunderstorms. Forecasting the climatic changes of the week is much needed to avoid a storm from ruining your camping party. Pack along umbrellas, a plastic canopy and an insulating solution for your tent as saviors from a cloudburst, causing everything to be drenched and drowned.

  • Silicone sealant can make your tent waterproof
  • Plastic Covers can protect you from the wet
  • Keep heavy weights to firm your tent on the grounds in a windstorm.
  • Slather sunscreens to protect sunburns 

Choose a safe camping site:

Amusement is all that you long for on a camping trip in a lush green forest with peaking sunrays and rustling leaves. Be super cautious while researching your geographical location to avoid landing your squad to be landed amongst bears in a forest. Never miss out checking on the maps and navigation gears on your outdoor voyage to not get lost in the middle of nowhere. Your camping site should be kilometers out of the reach of wild animals to not let the worries take away the adventurous experience.

Keep your outdoor cooking gears:

Do not burden yourself with extras of heavy kitchenware. For a camping day out, it can work well for you to have a stove or a grill and cooking oil to savor a steamed up steak. The more you pack, the more supplements needed to manage it, which makes up a loaded backpack.

If you plan to feed on your prey, you would need to pack with yourself all the hunters' weapons as well.

 Don't forget to set up a tarpaulin:

A spell of breezy weather can uplift your mood in an outdoor camping plan. But the winds are not your friends for the lunchtime break and hunger calls. The wind gusts do not let the fire to be set up for long, which requires you to rig up a tarpaulin over the fire. This is a one stop solution for covering your stove from any weather calamity.

Plan your activities:

Having no planned agenda makes you over pack stuff, which makes quite a mess in your bag packs. Know what you need to pack if you plan to go hunting or fishing. For an outdoorsy hunting experience, you need to carry along a proper set of tools to enjoy catching your prey and cooking the meat.


